Two years ago I was lucky to work with director Rian Johnson on his second movie The Brothers Bloom. The movie was filmed in Serbia, Montenegro, Czech Republic and Romania. I was very excited for that opportunity! That was the first movie I worked on and it was a big one.
Before Adrien Brody (Bloom) was signed, they were casting Tom Cruise, Colin Farell, etc. But I was so happy when they picked Adrien, he turn out to be such a lovely guy...and handsome:) The rest of the crew was amazing and we had so much fun on and off the set.
I started as a production runner but 2 months before we start shooting, first assistant of director ask me to be his assistant. So, of course I said YES!
Costume designer, Beatrix Aruna Pasztor did a great job which is, I think, evident from these pictures...So creative and innovative. Especially with Rinko. We become very close and am gratefull for things I learned from her. Every spare time I had, I spent it in a fitting room, looking at clothes...You can't imagine how many beautiful clothes and accessories I saw and tried on. It was so much fun!
I was even given (as a gift) a belt that Sean Penn wore in U Turn!
The movie is going to be in theatres in May 29 so don't miss the chance to see it!
Wish you all a great day!
1.the crew 2.beatrix aruna pasztor 3.rian johnson

Photography by Slobodan Pikula and me (first 3)